Illustration Friday: I Spy...

"I spy . . . pepper juice in your eye!"
¡Aye caramba!
Oh, what a day! I have the windows open, the fan on, and a warm breeze is wafting in. Oh, and it's FRIDAY! Could things get any better? Oh yeah, hubbie's on his way home and we're going for Mexican food on a patio somewhere. I'm in heaven. :)
Hey guys, a lot of you leave me questions, but then use the "anonymous" or the "noreply-comment" setting. I can't talk to you when you do that! hint, hint.
Labels: IF
This is GLORIOUS! Great!- Or "Glorius-Great!"
Such a wonderful illustration! But that is no surprise. . .all your work is wonderful!
Watch out for the pepper juice!
"e" you always create wonderful images. This has great drama and a wonderful point of view. I hope little Paco can survive the fall.... and what if the big guy sneezes right on top of him...
Hi Elizabeth. This is great! Is it in gouache?
Great work.
amazingly good as always
Hi Elizabeth. I really love your work. I lost your link a year ago and am glad that I found you again. haha. Ok, question time! haha. What's the difference between Gouche, watercolor, and acrylic. Is the texture different?
Hi All,
I'm still getting a lot of questions with "noreply-comment" as the return address, so I can't write back to you directly. But to answer the big question, I work digitally. I draw by hand, scan into the computer where I arrange the composition and do all the coloring and rendering with Photoshop and Painter. So ha! It's not watercolor, gouache (basically a thick watercolor), acrylic, or anything else - it's computer baby!
Thanks for all the nice comments!
Love it! Yours is one of the first entries I look for. Good stuff!
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