Hello teachers, librarians, crafters, card-makers, scrapper-bookers, stampers and everyone else with questions about how you can (and can't) use my images!
I'm glad so many of you are enjoying my Coloring
Page Tuesday images and I have thrilled to see the creations you've sent me using my artwork. It's a breath of joy in this tough business of publishing.
But please remember I create my coloring pages specifically to draw
attention to my books and my designs are not available for all uses, so please respect my copyright! Here's
1) Keep the "Artwork © Elizabeth O. Dulemba, www.dulemba.com" tag with my art.
Operation Write Home participants - please include this on your cards:
Image used with permission
© Elizabeth O. Dulemba
Children's Book Author/Illustrator
Visit www.dulemba.com to learn more
and download more coloring pages.
2) Or put "Artwork © Elizabeth O. Dulemba, www.dulemba.com,
Design by (your name)" on the back of your card.
(Especially if you plan to give it away.)
3) In addition, add a link to my website (http://dulemba.com) on the same page/post near the art when you post your creations online.
Why? It's important people be able to find me when my art is far away from home to keep it from becoming an orphan work.
Still don't understand what the big deal about copyright is? Please read my article "Calvin & Hobbes and Copyright Infringement."
4) Do not redistribute my images or sell anything you create using my images for ANY reason. With thousands of loyal followers all over the world and modern internet search capabilities, I WILL FIND YOU and I WILL PURSUE LEGAL ACTION IF NECESSARY.
5) Do not use my images for personal icons, avatars or business identities. (I make exceptions for some charities, so ask!)
6) Do not use my images to decorate your blog or website. My images are not clip art.
7) Do not use my images for businesses* (including non-profits) in any way - this includes fund-raiser activities or community outreach programs, as this falls under advertising. Although, you may be able to purchase rights for some (not all) uses. Just ask! For instance, businesses may purchase the right to place
a thumbnail of an image on their site, linking it to the larger, labeled version (click here for an example) at MY site for a fee. Contact me to inquire.
(A good way to judge this is to ask yourself - "Do I get paid to do my job? Then Elizabeth should too." OR "We're paying a graphic designer to design it, a printer to print it, we should pay the artist for content.")
* The exception to this is booksellers who are encouraged to use my images for their storytimes.
8) Do not assume that "Good Exposure" is proper compensation for my work - a common joke in my industry (because illustrators get so many requests for free work/usage) is, "You can die from exposure."
9) I create my images to draw attention to my books. Therefore, if your intended use will in no way do that - it lessens your chance that I will share my work with you.
10) Ask if you plan to use an image in a way you're not sure about. Contact me. If you inquire and don't hear back - the answer is 'no.' Sometimes I can't get back to people for various reasons (email bounces, etc.), that does not mean it's okay to use my images.
11) DO NOT remove my copyright information and repost my images online as if they were your own. IT IS THEFT AND I HAVE AND WILL PROSECUTE FOR THIS.
I would like to continue to offer my coloring pages for free, so rather than charge the average $3.00 for digi-stamps (my images are coloring pages but are often used the same way), here is what I ask in return:
• Please let your friends, schools, teachers, and librarians know about my books!
• Check out my books yourself! Share them with your kids or grand-kids. Give them as gifts!
• Let your local schools know that I am available for VISITS.
Spread the word, spread the love!
Still Not Sure About Proper Usage?
• Copyright Alliance
• US Copyright Office
• Angel Policies - What are they all about?
• R.I.G.H.T.S.
• Fundamentals of Copyright
• Art-Support.com
Here Are My Currently Available Books (click a cover to learn more):
