H is for Hippos Read Too!!!
I received the sweetest note from a librarian for the Cedar City Public Library in Utah recently. She's featuring a different alphabet letter for each of her storytimes this year and is using my coloring pages to help with the topics. How sweet is that!?
But then it occurred to me - do I have a coloring page for every letter? Or better yet, do I have a reading critter for every letter? I have a lot, but there are a few holes, which I plan to remedy over the next few months...not neccessarily in order.
This week - you get a HIPPO reading the awesome THE HICCUPOTAMUS by Aaron Zenz. Speaking of Zs (for Zenzzz), I can't wait to show you what I have for the more difficult letters of the alphabet. But lo, it must wait...You'll just have to come back to see!
CLICK HERE for more coloring pages! And be sure to share your creations in my gallery so I can put them in my upcoming newsletters! (Cards, kids art, and crafts are welcome!)
Welcome New Subscribers!
I'm thrilled to have new subscribers: Diane from the McCook Public Library; Duane from the Warsaw Community Public Library; and Jenn from the University of Wyoming. Welcome! I'm glad you're here and please spread the word!!
If you have any questions about usage of my images, visit my angel policy page, and please check out my books to see if any might be a good fit for your patrons or children.
Decatur Book Festival Signage...
Wednesday, I'll post a wrap up of the amazing weekend of the Decatur Book Festival. Meanwhile, here's a sneak peek... Joe Davich of the Georgia Center for the Book (I'm a board member) asked to use two of my coloring pages to create photo ops for the DeKalk Library tent. He used my Reading Fairy and my Pirate Treasure images. They turned out so cute and folks were taking fun photos with them like crazy! After the festival, these will travel to libraries all across Georgia!
Thank you for your loyalty!
This week, while doing some newsletter maintenance, I realized that all of my newsletter subscribers except one are signed up for my weekly e's news and coloring page Tuesdays plus book giveaways. (The one is signed up for "Special Editions" which only comes out when I have big news.) That means over 3,770 folks (the number always fluctuates) get my newsletter in their in-boxes every single week. WOW! I am so flattered and humbled by your continuing interest, and even moreso by the nice notes you sometimes send to me. It's lovely to hear that my efforts are important to you! I hope you'll share "e's news" with your friends! They can sign up at http://dulemba.com/index_newsletter.html.
This week's picture book INTERVIEW and GIVEAWAY is:

AW, NUTS! by Rob McClurkan
Y'know how I talk about knowing people who I can just tell it's only a matter of time before they'll be published? Rob McClurkan is one of those. He's an amazing and fun talent, and all around great guy. When I first saw his portfolio at one of our early SCBWI Southern Breeze Illustrators' Days, I couldn't believe he hadn't been scooped up yet. Well, I'm happy to say that has since been remedied by HarperCollins with his debut picture book as author/illustrator - AW, NUTS! Rob stopped by to talk about it, and you could win a free copy! CLICK HERE to read the interview and enter the giveaway.
Must live in the US or Canada to win. Review and winning copy provided by the publisher and/or author.
This week's novel GUEST POST and GIVEAWAY is:

Donna recently stopped by to talk about "We Make Our Own Luck"... and you could win a free copy! CLICK HERE to enter the giveaway and read the guest post.
Must live in the US or Canada to win. Review and winning copy provided by the publisher and/or author.
CLICK HERE to check out my Friday Linky List! |
Video of the Day...
Jarrett Krosoczka was recently on Ted (again), and he has another great message to share!

Click the image to go see the video on YouTube.
Card Makers and Colorers!
Each week I like to feature a card or coloring page created by one of YOU using one of my images that has been uploaded to my gallery.
Faith created this lovely thank you card using my Book Butterfly. Wouldn't you be tickled if you received this card?
CLICK HERE to visit my gallery, leave Vicky a note on her blog, and submit your own artwork! (You'll need to post it to your own blog first.)
If I share your work in my newsletter, grab this badge of honor to add to your blog post or sidebar to let everybody know!
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I had the great pleasure to be on a panel at the Decatur Book Festival with Deborah Wiles and Tommy Hayes. I just finished Tommy's book - a lovely tribute to loss and creation. And I'm still reading REVOLUTION by Debbie - which I adore. It is such an important book! 
WISDOM OF THE WEEK..."It's not what you've got. It's about how brave you're prepared to be."
~ Seth Godin
CLICK HERE to read about...
Jarrett Krosoczka: Why lunch ladies are heroes
Decatur Book Festival Photo Ops Signage
Donna Gephardt's DEATH BY TOILET PAPER - Giveaway
Friday Linky List - August 29, 2014
AW, NUTS! by Rob McClurkan - Interview and Giveaway
Come See Me at the Decatur Book Festival!
Coloring Page Tuesday - Build a Book
TWITTER! Follow me on twitter too @dulemba.
The Teacher's Guide with Talking Points for A BIRD ON WATER STREET is now available (CLICK HERE), and it's a good one! Meredith Moran of Little Pickle Press, read my book and not only picked up on the subtle points I thought nobody would catch, she brought up points even I didn't catch! Some of the symbolism she featured wowed my socks off. I hope it will do the same for you and that you'll use it in your classrooms. The book is a great tool to launch discussions about environmental responsibility!
Remember, one of the reasons I create my coloring pages is to draw (ha!) attention to my books. Click a cover to check them out!

Have you or your children colored or created something using one of my Coloring Page Tuesday images? If you post it on a blog, you can also post it to my gallery and maybe I'll share your creation next week! (It doesn't have to be a card - I like 2-year-old scribbles too!)
Did You Know...
I create my coloring pages for teachers, librarians, booksellers, and parents to enjoy with their children,
but also to let the public know about MY BOOKS. I hope you'll take a moment to check them out and spread the word! Word of mouth is the best advertising I can get, so I'm counting on YOU!
Click a cover to learn more about individual titles and download activities.
Note: All Coloring Page Tuesday images and activity pages are available for personal or non-commercial use. If you would like to purchase rights to an image for commercial use, please email me. If you have questions about usage, visit my Angel Policy page.
All Artwork © Elizabeth O. Dulemba,
- Y'all play nice, Okay?