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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giftie Background?

I love changing out my background patterns with the seasons but I can't decide which color I like best this time - will you help?
To see how they work with the main content of my blog (lots of orange) you can see the blue option on my blog, the green option on my home page, and the yellow option on the latest Coloring Page Tuesdays Alert. (You can sign up to receive the Alert to your in-box every week - click here.)
Which do you like best? (Take the poll.) Thanks!

UPDATE! And the winner is ... BLUE!!! I'll be going through the site and updating the backgrounds. Thanks for all your votes! :) e

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Blogger debb said...

Oh dear I just looked at the results and so far I am the only one voting yellow- Join me now before I go thinking I am really bad at color (which I am - wish I had "the gift of color"!)

9:15 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth O. Dulemba said...

I like the yellow too or it wouldn't be an option!!!
Thanks for voting Debb!

9:50 AM  
Blogger Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Although I love greens and yellows, when I looked at the three different options with the header, the blue one seemed the best. I guess it must be the mix of orange contrast on it. Pretty backgrounds. :-)

11:32 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth O. Dulemba said...

Thanks Tami!

11:54 AM  

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