 As many of you know, the bloggers at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast came up with a great way for those who didn't create snowflakes for Robert's Snow to participate in their own way with "Blogging for a Cure." Bloggers have been featuring snowflake illustrators in wonderful interviews for weeks now. Today, it's my turn. I've been interviewed by Stephanie Ruble at "sruble's world." She asked some great questions which I had a blast answering. So go check it out! Follow the interviews of the other illustrators by clicking the Robert's Snow poster to the right (or go here). I've been updating all the links as they become live. And be sure to check out the Robert's Snow website for the important cancer research fund-raising event. Maybe you'll fall in love with a snowflake and help raise money for this worthwhile cause. Labels: BigNews, Events
76th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition, Honorable Mention!
 Now this is what you wanna hear!! This letter just arrived in the mail today. It says: Dear Elizabeth, One of my most enjoyable tasks as editor of Writer's Digest is passing along good news to writers. This is one of those fun occasions. It is my pleasure to tell you that your manuscript, Queen Bea, has been awarded Honorable Mention in the Children's Fiction category of the 76th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition. Enclosed is your Certificate of Achievement to honor your accomplishment. (It's purty.)This year's contest attracted over 19,000 entries. Your success in the face of such formidable compteition speaks highly of your writing talent, and should be a source of great pride as you continue in your writing career. I congratulate you again on your accomplishment, and wish you the best of luck in your future writing. Respectfully, Maria Schneider, Editor Writer's Digest Oh wow. Oh wow, oh wow. Yippee!! Wippee!!! This is the THIRD Honorable Mention this story has received. (One was from the SCBWI-Southern Breeze, and another from the Storydynamics- "Discovering Ease" story competition.) I am so, so incredibly thrilled! 19,000 entries!!! You think maybe, maybe, I got sumthin' here? Oh wow. So what do I frame? The certificate or the INCREDIBLE LETTER!!?? (And yes you hungry publishers, it is still available! Call, let's talk - hehe.)Labels: BigNews
 I've already shared the story behind Robert's Snow, the fundraiser for cancer research, but there's a new side to it. Bloggers have stepped forward to do their part - they are interviewing the illustrators who created snowflakes for Robert's Snow. The 200 participating illustrators are impressive and all are worth checking out. So, here's the list. Check back, because I'll make each name a live link to their website and add static links to the blog interviews (the links will take you straight to the interviews) as they are posted. See my snowflake here and read my interview at sruble's world on Sunday, November 11th. And don't forget to go bid on a snowflake - they make an important and beautiful gift or collection. Monday, October 15Grace Lin at In the PagesRandy Cecil at Chat RabbitMichelle Chang at The LongstockingsKevin Hawkes at cynthialord's JournalBarbara Lehman at the excelsior fileTuesday, October 16Selina Alko at Brooklyn ArdenScott Bakal at Wild Rose ReaderAlexandra Boiger at Paradise FoundPaige Keiser at Your Neighborhood LibrarianJanet Stevens at The Miss Rumphius EffectWednesday, October 17Rick Chrustowski at laurasalasDiane DeGroat at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet SoupIlene Richard at Something Different Every DayBrie Spangler at LectitansDon Tate at The Silver LiningThursday, October 18Brooke Dyer at Bookshelves of DoomD.B. Johnson at Lessons from the TortoiseErin Eitter Kono at Sam Riddleburger's blogSherry Rogers at A Life in BooksJennifer Thermes at Through the Studio DoorFriday, October 19Graeme Base at Just One More BookDenise Fleming at Mother ReaderJeff Mack at AmoXcalliJeff Newman at A Year of ReadingRuth Sanderson at Book MootSaturday, October 20Linas Alsenas at A Wrung SpongeTheresa Brandon at The Shady GladeKaren Katz at Whimsy BooksJudy Schachner at Kate's Book BlogSally Vitsky at Shelf Elf: read, write, raveSunday, October 21Matthew Cordell at Just Like the NutMaxwell Eaton III at Books and Other ThoughtsRoz Fulcher at Goading the PenSusie Jin at sruble's worldSusan Mitchell at Check It OutMonday, October 22Rose Mary Berlin at Charlotte's LibraryChristopher Demarest at Writing and RuminatingDavid Macaulay at Here in the Bonny GlenMark Teague at The Miss Rumphius EffectSharon Vargo at Finding WonderlandTuesday, October 23Carin Berger at Chasing RaySophie Blackall at not your mother's bookclubErik Brooks at Little Willow/BildungsromanMarion Eldridge at Chicken Spagetti Brian Lies at Greetings from NowhereWednesday, October 24Sheila Bailey at LizjonesbooksFrank Dormer at What Adrienne Thinks About ThatElisa Kleven at Rozzie LandJimmy Pickering at Shaken & StirredConsie Powell at Becky's Book ReviewsThursday, October 25Margaret Chodos-Irvine at redergirlzJulia Denos at Interactive ReaderRebecca Doughty at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea CozyBrian Floca at Fuse #8Friday, October 26Margot Apple at Jo's JournalJulie Kangas at Sam Riddleburger's blogGinger Nielson at Miss O's School LibraryDavid Ezra Stein at HipWriterMamaSaturday, October 27Sarah Dillard at The Silver LiningJulie Fromme Fortenberry at Your Neighborhood LibrarianJohn Hassett at cynthialord's JournalAbigail Marble at Please Come FlyingSunday, October 28Ashley Wolff at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea CozyBarbara Garrison at Brooklyn ArdenKelly Murphy at ChatRabbitMonday, October 29Dan Santat at Writing and RuminatingJoanne Friar at The LongstockingsAlissa Imre Geis at Wild Rose ReaderDiane Greenseid at Just One More Book!!Sean Qualls at Brooklyn ArdenTuesday, October 30Ann Koffsky at Book BudsBill Carman at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea CozyGretel Parker at Finding WonderlandMatt Phelan at A Year of ReadingStephanie Roth at Writing with a broken tuskWednesday, October 31Shawna Tenney at Kate’s Book BlogAdam Rex at Booktopia Mo Willems at MotherReaderRolandas Kiaulevicius at a wrung spongeThursday, November 1Karen Lee at sruble’s worldDiana Magnuson at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea CozyMelissa Iwai at Brooklyn ArdenVictoria Jamieson at AmoXcalliMolly Idle at The Shady GladeMeghan McCarthy at A Fuse #8 ProductionFriday, November 2Tracy McGuinness-Kelly at Sam Riddleburger’s blogSara Kahn at Kate’s Book BlogSylvia Long at Whimsy BooksJeremy Tankard at the excelsior fileHolli Conger at Please Come FlyingSaturday, November 3Susan Miller at Your Neighborhood LibrarianEllen Beier at What Adrienne Thinks About ThatHideko Takahashi at The Silver LiningJudith Moffatt at Jo’s JournalWendell Minor at Wild Rose ReaderSunday, November 4Joy Allen at Check It OutRobin Brickman at Greetings from NowhereLauren Stringer at laurasalasNancy Wallace at In the Pages . . .Monday, November 5Anna Alter at The LongstockingsLaura Huliska Beith at Just One More Book!!Cece Bell at Jo’s JournalDenise Ortakales at cynthialord’s JournalTuesday, November 6Carol Heyer at The Shady GladeJoe Kulka at ChatRabbitSteven James Petruccio at Blog From the WindowsillCarol Schwartz at jama rattigan’s alphabet soupWednesday, November 7Jeff Ebbeler at Sam Riddleburger’s blogScott Magoon at Just One More Book!!Connie McLennan at The Shady Glade Julie Paschkis at the excelsior fileThursday, November 8Geneviève Côté at a wrung spongeLinda Graves at Your Neighborhood LibrarianJames Gurney at Charlotte’s LibraryMatt Tavares at Please Come FlyingFriday, November 9Susan Kathleen Hartung at Wild Rose ReaderMary Peterson at Brooklyn ArdenAnnette Simon at Check It OutMélanie Watt at Whimsy BooksSaturday, November 10R.W. Alley at Jama Rattigan’s Alphabet SoupJeannie Brett at cynthialord’s JournalDaniel Mahoney at Paradise FoundAmy Young at Kate’s Book BlogSunday, November 11Tim Coffey at The Silver LiningElizabeth O. Dulemba (that’s ME!), featured by Stephanie Ruble at sruble’s worldChris Gall at Through the Studio DoorAmy Schimler at Please Come FlyingMonday, November 12John Nez at ChatRabbitLiza Woodruff at Check It OutJane Dippold at Just Like the NutMike Wohnoutka at laurasalasTuesday, November 13Cynthia Decker at The Silver LiningCecily Lang at Kate’s Book BlogJane Dyer at Whimsy BooksAkemi Gutierrez at AmoXcalliLee White at Please Come FlyingWednesday, November 14Philomena O’Neill at Jo’s JournalMaggie Swanson at Chicken SpaghettiTimothy Bush at Here in the Bonny GlenPeter Emmerich at A Life in BooksThursday, November 15Yangsook Choi at What Adrienne Thinks About ThatLaura Jacques at cynthialord’s JournalMary Newell Depalma at Wild Rose ReaderLeanne Franson at Just Like the NutFriday, November 16Mary Haverfield at Your Neighborhood LibrarianLisa Kopelke at Lisa’s Little Corner of the InternetSalley Mavor at ChatRabbitGreg Newbold at The LongstockingsElizabeth Sayles at AmoXcalliSaturday, November 17Paul Brewer at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea CozyAaron Zenz at Jo’s JournalWendy Edelson at What Adrienne Thinks About ThatJoan Waites at Chicken SpaghettiSunday, November 18Annie Patterson at Check It OutTeri Sloat at The Miss Rumphius EffectAnette Heiberg at Lisa’s Little Corner of the InternetWade Zahares at Wild Rose ReaderLabels: BigNews, General, Robert's Snow
 When I was named the Grand Prize W.I.N.ner of this year's SmartWriters.com Competition, I won a shiny new copy of Anastasia Suen's Picture Writing. Since I already have a much loved, dog-eared copy, I held a drawing to give the new one away. Turned out Kelly Milner Halls (one of the competition organizers) also had an extra copy - so two books are going out to two lucky readers! Well, hubbie had the honor of picking two names out of a hat last night, and the winners are (drum roll please), Janice Skivington and Kristi Valiant! So, check your mailboxes ladies as Picture Writing is on its way!! Thanks to all who entered. This was my first foray into a giveaway and 'twas much fun. I might have to do it again . . . Labels: BigNews, General
My Article in Writer's Digest - Wippee!!
 I just received my advance copy of Writer's Digest Magazine with my article, "Drawing Success"! Woohoo! It's in the "You Can Write for Children" special edition which hits shelves September 25th. Included are articles by Candie Moonshower, Alice Pope, and Lauren Myracle - wow am I in good company! Be sure to look for it! Labels: BigNews
It's Here! It's Here!!
My SmartWriters.com Grand Prize W.I.N.ner's schwag is HERE!!! Wippee!! My very first trophy EVER!!! (I'm talking no swim team, no tennis, no nuthin'!!) Isn't it purty . . . sigh . . . :) I also received a copy of Alice Pope's Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, Anastasia Suen's Picture Writing, oh, and a lovely check! As the guy on the dog food commercial says, "So happeee!!"  Go here to read my initial squeal and sign up for my drawing of Anastasia Suen's Picture Writing - I'm giving my new one away because I already have a much loved copy. It's an awesome read for those who want to break into picture books - I highly, highly recommend it!!! UPDATE: Kelly Milner Halls also has an extra copy, so there are now TWO copies in the drawing!! Go sign up! Labels: BigNews
e's news - August '07 Hi All! It's been a few months since my last newsletter. This year has truly turned into a "nose to grindstone" kind of year for me - work, work, work. The good news is, it's paying off. I have SIX books coming out in 2008 (two trade picture books, two parenting aid picture books, and two educational picture books). I'll talk about them more in upcoming newsletters. I also have an article in the upcoming "You Can Write for Children" issue of Writer's Digest Magazine on my "Path to Success" - ha! No secret there, just b.i.c. as Jane Yolen likes to say (butt in chair). I believe it will be the October issue, but it hits shelves September 25th, so look for it! In the mean time, scroll down to see my great news from SmartWriters.com and don't miss the Decatur Book Festival where I'll be moderating this year's illustrator panel. Good News! I was named the Grand Prize W.I.N.NER in this year's 2007 SmartWriters.com Competition for my illustration, "Lula's Brew"   This was the first year an illustrator won this competition (and my first trophy - ever), so I was incredibely honored. (That's my lovely trophy in the front.) Winning this competition also ended up being a huge boon when I attended my first Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) National Conference in Los Angeles this summer. Read about my experiences on my blog. It's time again for the  I will be moderating the illustrator panel on Sunday, September 2nd at 1:00pm with Chris Raschka, Judy Schachner, Mark Braught, and Laura Knorr. Be there for a good time! One of my SIX books coming out in 2008 is PACO AND THE GIANT CHILE PLANT ~ PACO Y LA PLANTA DE CHILE GIGANTERaven Tree Press, June 2008 (My Spanish lessons continue . . .) Want me to visit your school or event? Read about my visits at my website: http://dulemba.com/index_visits.htmlAs always, you can order signed copies of my books through my local independent children's bookstore: Little Shop of StoriesCall (404) 373-6300, email atlantacaps@aol.com, or visit their new website for more information. Visit MY BLOG for COLORING PAGE TUESDAYS and download free activity pages at MY WEBSITEThanks Y'all! e Elizabeth O. Dulemba elizabeth@dulemba.com Labels: BigNews, Events, General
 I have the honor of creating a snowflake for Robert's Snow this year to help raise money for cancer research. This is the third year illustrators have pitched in to help with this cause, and for good reason. One of our own has been too closely affected by this horrible disease. The story is worth reading about, and the snowflakes, which are auctioned off, are a joy to see. So, needless to say, I'm so happy to be involved. The snowflakes are all original pieces of art. However I work digitally (the most original art I create is a first run giclee), so what did that mean to me? To the matresses . . . I mean, pull out the paints and see if I can get these muscles to do what I want! The great thing is, while I was improving with my digital art, I was learning a lot about traditional media. I never claimed to be good at mixing colors (which is part of why I went digital). Who knew that mixing colors onscreen would teach me how to mix colors off? Well, that's what happened, and I was very pleased with the results. I didn't think to take pictures until I was well into the project, so I jump around a bit, but I'll walk you through my process:  I had to practice to get my hands used to working with a brush rather than a pen-mouse, and experiment with how the acrylics would react. I certainly didn't want to practice on my snowflake! So, I bought a piece of masonite similar to the material from which the snowflake was made and cut it down to small pieces (about 8.5"x11"). I prepared the surface by layering it with gesso. One of the things I always try to achieve with my digital work is that wonderful rich texture and transparency you get with paint. So, layer after layer of gesso, I used a dry brush to cross hatch when it was close to dry. After four or five layers, I had a nice solid white with a rich texture. I then used Saral paper to transfer my art to the masonite. It worked very well as you can see the back design on the left.  I also wanted to experiment with "scumbling." It's a fancy word for painting the darks first, letting them dry, then layering thin, lighter colors on top. (This is where the transparency comes in.) It's also about the only way to get gentle shading with acrylics - they just dry so darned fast! (They do make solutions to extend the drying time if you want to experiment, but I didn't want to go there.) So I went in with the darks first. Here you can see I've already started to layer in the turquoise sky and vermillion santa suit.  I especially liked the way my workspace came together through this. I bought a set of small tubes of acrylics. Because they dry so quickly, smaller tubes encourage you to squeeze out less and therefore lose less to drying (okay, and after much digging, I couldn't find my acrylics!). It's also amazing how little paint you actually need. I saved plastic egg crates and used them as my palettes. (I can't tell you how many expensive palettes I've thrown away that I could never get clean - this worked GREAT.) By the way, my brushes did not sit above my art while I worked - I've heard horror stories about that kind of thing. I moved them over for the photo so you could see the size brushes I used. So the main things I learned: there are major advantages to working small; use egg crates for palettes; take your time and let the layers build. I have to say, I really enjoyed this. I may actually try to do more projects in the future just for fun. Here is my finished snowflake front and back:   I sure hope whoever purchases my snowflake gets in touch! Labels: BigNews, Method, Robert's Snow
 OMG OMG OMG I'm still reeling!!! The email came in about 6:00 this evening - silly me didn't put my phone number on the entry form. I honestly didn't think I'd win! At first I thought Roxyanne meant I'd won the illustration category (which would have been good enough!). But no!!! I won the SmartWriters 2007 W.I.N. Competition Grand Prize!! OMG. I can't tell y'all how much this means to me. I started in this business cold turkey right before 9/11. Like everybody else, I had all the stereotypical misconceptions about how it all works, and I have learned just about every lesson the hard way. But with every failure, I just grew more and more determined to keep trying. (Yes, I'm a bit stubborn). Things have been going well lately, I must admit. But I work so hard, no violins, just truth. I needed some reassurance that this was all going somewhere. And my dream is to write and illustate my own books. That's the goal. It's so frustrating to know what you want sometimes, and know that you have a lot of work ahead of you to jump the hurdles that need jumping. Sometimes it flat out gets you down. One of the things I find I have in common with others on this crazy journey is the conscious decision to stay positive, move forward, and not resent the need for growth. But it's a much needed shot in the arm to receive recognition like this. It's confirmation that you are supposed to be on this path, that it's the right one. I'm so pleased, so thrilled, so honored to be on this journey with all of you. What a funny quest to embark upon, but somehow it is so, so worth it. Thank you to Roxyanne Young, Verla Kay, Kelly Milner Halls and SmartWriters for such a well respected competition, but especially for everybody's kind comments and support. This is not a stand-alone honor, I assure you. I am on the shoulders of so many friends. Btw, one of the prizes in this year's SmartWriters.com competition is a copy of Anastasia Suen's "Picture Book Writing." I already have a copy, dogeared from the treasure it's been to me. Reading it at different stages of my career has revealed new and just as relevant information. So, I am "paying it forward." Email me below if you'd like me to forward you my winning copy. I'll hold a drawing at the end of the month. (Make sure you don't sign anonymously so I can get in touch with you if I draw your name.) Keep writing, keep dreaming, don't give up!! Here's my winning entry (click to see it larger): Labels: BigNews, Events, General
 TA-DA!!! According to Publishers Weekly, this is cover for the last of the Harry Potter books, "Harry Potter and the Dathly Hallows," again illustrated by fabuloso Mary GrandPré. I love his serious, mature expression on this one. Of course, the big question is . . . will Harry survive? I can't wait to find out.  Of course, I've got to say, the cover kind of reminds me of something . . . hmmmm. Labels: BigNews, General
The Bird has flown the coup
Just got an email from my agent. My first novel, "A Bird on Water Street," went out to publishers Friday. All I can say is, Weehaaa!!! And Ee Gaads. And I'm a nervous wreck! A friend said I shouldn't be a nervous wreck yet - more like a few weeks from now when we might actually start hearing responses. I tell ya - this business moves slower than molasses in winter. But once things are out there, it's like jumping off a cliff. Will you fly? Will you crash and burn? You just don't know. It's a heckofa ride. Weehaaaa!!!Labels: BigNews, Method
The 2006 Award Results are IN!!
  After several tries I finally hooked into the ALA webcast. It is so well done with the power point presentation of the books as the announcements are made. This year's CALDECOTT is . . . drum roll please . . . "FLOTSAM" by David Wiesner!! No surprise there. Two other big winners were "MOSES" illustrated by Kadir Nelson. It won the CORETTA SCOTT KING AWARD and was a CALDECOTT honor book - WOW! "Rules" by Cynthia Lord won the SCHNEIDER FAMILY AWARD for middle school and was a NEWBERY HONOR!! Wow, wow!!  Other winners were: "Higher Power of Lucky" by Susan Patron won the Newbery (how was this not on my radar?). Congratulations to the illustrator, Matt Phelan! "Small Steps" by Louis Sachar won the teen Schneider Family Award. "Jazz" by Walter Dean Myers and Christopher Myers also won a Coretta Scott King honor - again, no surprise there. Lois Lowry was awarded the Margaret Edwards Award. "Octavian Nothing" won an Printz honor. (You can read my review here.)Big shake-up: a graphic novel won the Prinz Award - "American Born Chinese." I gotta get my hands on this. Those were the biggies on my radar. You can read more about the awards at the American Library Association. What a rush! Labels: BigNews
Here come the Awards!
 All those who weigh in on the best children's books are currently at the mid-winter American Library Association conference in Seattle, and once again, they will be doing a live webcast as they announce the winners. I watched last year and enjoyed it immensely. It's like watching the Oscars when you actually know some of the stars (and without the great dresses). So fun! You can watch it LIVE at 10:45am est (7:45am in Seattle) HERE.Labels: BigNews
 Hi Y'all! I have BIG news! HALEY AND THE BIG BLAST, written by A.E. Scotland and illustrated by Yours Truly for Amy Elise Press, has just been released! Haley is a young scientist with a lot of crazy ideas. Her constant experiments get her into all sorts of trouble. But, when all the windows at her school are mysteriously shattered, it's Haley's science experiment which proves how it occured. HALEY AND THE BIG BLAST is a fun chapter book for bright young minds, and best of all, a "Haley" doll is available for your budding young scientist. Haley would make a great Christmas present! Click on the images to visit the Amy Elise website. Labels: BigNews
"A Bird On Water Street" is outta here!
I sent my first novel to my agent today and I have the strangest emotions going on. I'm relieved, nervous, scared. I feel about 50 pounds lighter. I mean, this thing has been with me for four years. It was born as a picture book and demanded to be longer. Turned into a chapter book and got some really good feedback, but again the word was "make it longer." So, it turned into a novel. A real novel. Who knew I could do that? I bled all over the paper - there wasn't another thing I could have done for it. It's as good as I felt it could be. And now it's out there - my little baby - to be slashed and edited and rejected and god knows what else. I'm just raw. I'm one big open wound waiting for either a band-aid or salt. Could go either way. And yet, I'm excited, really, really excited. Like I said, strange emotions today. Labels: BigNews
e's news: November '06
I send out a newsletter about every other month. If you would like to sign up, click HERE. Here is my latest: Hi Y'all! Well, it's been a crazy and exciting Fall. Here's what's coming up:
 I've been invited to present GLITTER GIRL AND THE CRAZY CHEESE with the author, Frank Hollon, at the Annual Author's Luncheon at Mercer University next weekend. Woowee!!
November 13th-19th is CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK!
 In honor, I have two events planned: I will be the guest speaker for an online chat in the First Children's Book Week Virtual Book Fair. If you have any questions about illustrating for picture books, come join us on Tuesday, November 14th at 8:00 pm. To learn more, click the logo:

Also! I will read GLITTER GIRL AND THE CRAZY CHEESE at my favorite independent bookstore
 LITTLE SHOP OF STORIES during the Evening Storytime, Thursday, November 16th at 7:00 pm Author Anne Ginkel will also be there to kick off her new book I'VE GOT AN ELEPHANT Come join us for a fun time! Call (404) 373-6300 or email atlantacaps@aol.com for more information.
SHHHHH!!! Along with working on PACO AND THE GIANT CHILE PLANT (Raven Tree Press, June 2008)
 I have a new contract in the works. I'll share the details as soon as they're confirmed. Wippee!!
That's the new stuff, here's a recap of the last two months!
I had a great time at the Decatur Book Festival which turned out to be a bigger hit than anybody expected. To read my summary of the event on my blog, click the logo:
 I had several book signings in September: at the Barnes & Noble Northpoint; the Barnes & Noble Edgewood; and the Imagine It! Children's Museum of Atlanta What a blast!
 My logo design graced the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) Southern Breeze Fall Conference in Birmingham a few weekends ago. The SCBWI is the umbrella organization that holds children's writers and illustrators together. I was happy to give a talk about the "Nuts and Bolts" of this business and do several portfolio reviews. If you're an aspiring children's writer or illustrator, look for the southeast region's Springmingle event in Atlanta next March.
START THINKING CHRISTMAS GIFTS! As always, you can order signed copies of my books through:
 LITTLE SHOP OF STORIES Call (404) 373-6300 or email atlantacaps@aol.com for more information.
I'll be talking to media specialists and librarians about doing School Visits at the upcoming SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR SALE in Kennesaw this December (more info on this soon). You can learn more about inviting me to your school at my WEBSITE.
For more information, additional events, upcoming books and free coloring pages, visit MY WEBSITE at www.dulemba.com
Thanks Y'all! e Elizabeth O. Dulemba
Labels: BigNews, Events
Jack Prelutsky, Children's Poet Laureate
I just heard that my picture book manuscript, "Queen Bea," won honorable mention in the SCBWI-Southern Breeze writing contest in the category "Illustrated Books for Children: including fictional picture books, easy readers, and poems." I'm thrilled, even more so because the judges didn't see my artwork, this was based solely on my writing. I've been drawing for so long, I can pretty much judge my art with an objective eye, but not my writing. This validation feels so good - I needed it! You've seen a piece of the interior art (IF - "Play" listed below), and having put the teaser out there, here is a sneak peak of my work-in-progress cover:  Labels: BigNews
Glitter Girl at Barnes & Noble!!
 I'm so excited! This is almost as big as when my book was first published. For those who don't follow the children's book industry, there are so many hurdles it's ridiculous. Getting published is the biggest hurdle, of course. After that is the crazy adventure of distribution. While independent book stores (like my favorite, A Little Shop of Stories) are often big supporters of local author/illustrators, it's the big chains that can literally make or break a book. Unlike what you may think, they don't carry everything that gets published, far from it. They have buyers who choose books for their stores or regions who pretty much dictate what will be a successful book. So, to have your book carried by a major chain is a HUGE, BIG deal! You can imagine how happy I was to discover that "Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese" was prominently featured at a local Barnes & Noble (Perimeter Mall, Atlanta). Stan and I went up for lunch, and sure enough, there it was, on their main display wall! I spoke with the CRM (community relations manager) who asked me to sign all their copies and add "signed copy" stickers to the covers. We are scheduling a book signing for this Fall during a storytime event. Keep an eye out for my newsletter for more information! Sign Up Here!Labels: BigNews
A Little Shop of Stories One Year Anniversary!
 My favorite bookstore just celebrated its one year anniversary! I'm so happy for Diane, Dave, Terra and the whole crew. They got a fantastic write up in Publisher's Weekly. Stan and I attended their anniversary party and had a great time. They had a bluegrass band and a wonderful storyteller from August House Publishers, Rob Cleveland. A huge crowd showed up to celebrate what has become one of the favorite spots in town! Labels: BigNews
 Wippee! I've been named the July "Illustrator of the Month" at the childrensillustrators.com website! I pay to list my portfolio on this site, but not for this honor! I look forward to seeing what kind of feedback and exposure I get from this. So happy . . . Labels: BigNews
Oh, this is cool. I just sent out my latest newsletter today, announcing the release of GLITTER GIRL AND THE CRAZY CHEESE and listing book signings. I'm using a new newsletter company which I love: Your Mailing List Provider. It's inexpensive and gives me all the bells and whistles I want. You can sign up for my newsletter here.Also, I recently downloaded Firefox. It functions much better than IE (which I use for some side-searching purposes). I mostly use Safari, but the Google Toolbar is not available for Safari, only Firefox. I've just downloaded it, and there's a cool button I was able to add which allows me to add posts to my blog through my browser. So, this is a test. Very cool. Labels: BigNews, Events
 A book is born!! GLITTER GIRL AND THE CRAZY CHEESE is here!! I just got my box full of free copies today. Just gotta love it. I love the paper the designer at MacAdam/Cage chose, it just feels so GOOD! Wippee!!!
 Labels: BigNews
2006 Caldecott Winner: "The Hello Goodbye Window"
  Illustrated by Chris Raschka, written by Norton Juster Honor Books: ROSA, illustrated by Bryan Collier ZEN SHORTS, written and illustrated by Jon Muth HOT AIR, by Marjorie Priceman SONG OF THE WATER BOATMAN DNA OTHER POND POEMS, illustrated by Beckie Prang NEWBERY AWARD WINNER: CRISS CROSS by Lynne Rae Perkins I watched the webcast announcements live from the ALA at www.ala.org. It was very cool. I predict this is going to be a hot thing to watch every year in the children's book world. They did a great job with it combining live video with a power point presentation showing each book and award. Very good! Labels: BigNews
Publishers Weekly - Glitter Girl
Very cool blurb about GLITTER GIRL AND THE CRAZY CHEESE in the July 18, Publishers Weekly online magazine: "Silly Salutations for the Season" (by Staff) As is our custom, we were on the lookout for books that for one reason or another caught our attention-and made us chuckle. In the spirit of fun, we announce the following awards. Book Most Likely to Make Kids Living South of Alaska Grateful for the Climate: Recess at 20 Below by Cindi Lou Aillaud (Graphic Arts Center/Alaska Northwest Books). Picture Book Most Likely to Encourage Youngsters to Gobble Down Lunch-Fast: Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese by Frank Hollon, illus. by Elizabeth Dulemba, in which the cheese in a sandwich springs to life and dashes out the door. (MacAdam/Cage) . . . . Obviously Glitter Girl made a very good showing at BEA. Glitter Girl, with credits, is also listed under MacAdam/Cage in the July print edition of Publishers Weekly. Happiness! Although I do have to mention, they hit printer problems and the entire children's catalogue is being held for a Spring release now. Hope the momentum keeps up until then! Labels: BigNews
 Woohoo! THE PRINCE'S DIARY is now available for pre-orders on Amazon. This is my first published picture book, so I'm pretty excited about it. I've created computer wallpaper which is available at my downloads page. Now the promotional side begins. This is where my graphic design background kicks in. That's fun too. Labels: BigNews
The Caldecotts are here!
Woohoo! They've arrived! Unfortunately, the shipping delay was not caused by stickers, as my Picture Books arrived sans stickers. I'll review the Newbery Winner, KIRA-KIRA by Cynthia Kadohata, as soon as I've read it. Picture Books are such little flashes of joy - they go by too fast. Here are my thoughts on the Caldecotts:
The Winner:
Unbelievably simple. That's the first thing that hit me. And I don't just mean the black and white illustrations, which look like they must have been drawn much smaller and enlarged to create such rich line quality. Even the paper is dull and uncoated, almost like a thick newsprint. But the story itself, is so simple, and yet there is tons of action. The kitten draws amusing conclusions. It's just smart enough I can imagine a child interrupting, "It's a reflection!"
Did it deserve to be the Caldecott winner? I don't know. I think I'm surprised it made it onto the radar. But once noticed, I think this book has a strong impact.
The Honor Books:
THE RED BOOK by Barbara Lehman
What a beautiful book. It is very tactlie, with it's solid red high gloss cover. The child in the corner is embossed, but not glossy. It's immediately a very rich feeling experience. There are no words in the story, and you won't miss them. The images are mysterious, but clear, and the story is easy to understand - even with it being so fantastic. The illustrations themselves are very simple, a fitting evolution from KITTEN'S FIRST FULL MOON. The line quality is strong and the details sparse and geometric. I might have liked to see a bit more color on the faces of the children, but overall this is a wonderful book.
Coming On Home Soon
by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by E. B. Lewis
One of the few Caldecott's awarded to a book written and illustrated by two different people – this book confuses me. It is beautifully illustrated with watercolors done the way one expects superb watercolors to look. The story is quiet and rich. What confuses me is the old feeling of the book. The story is obviously set in the first half of the 20th century. It is a memory, and something most of today's children will not relate to. With the push in the publishing world for something new and different, I'm surprised this book even exists. Don't get me wrong, it is beautifully done. It just seems a completely different direction from what the publishing world says they want, and what marketing says will sell. It could have been produced 30 years ago as easily as today. It will sit on my bookshelf screaming of age that it does not have.
I am converted. I didn't realize this was by Mo Willems when I ordered DON'T LET THE PIGEON DRIVE THE BUS! today. I am a new fan. Where COMING ON HOME SOON feels old, KNUFFLE BUNNY feels new and vibrant. The art is a combination of halftone photography with flat color illustrations drawn in a scratchy pen and ink. The art is not well-drawn, but it is fun and lively and a joy. Character emotions are easy to read and right on the money. The story had me laughing out loud from about halfway through all the way to the end. It is about a common enough event, the loss of a favorite toy, told in the most amusing way. This one I highly recommend. Frankly, if I were voting, this would have been my pick for the Caldecott. Labels: BigNews
All Artwork © Elizabeth O. Dulemba,
- Y'all play nice, okay?