Barnes & Noble - Northpoint November '07

I'm way late getting this up, but I had a great time reading to kids at Barnes & Noble Northpoint a few Saturdays ago. Here I'm reading Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese: "No, young lady. You come sit down in your chair. You eat all your lunch before you go anywhere." (Hence the grim expression!)
I know I've talked about this before, but a good bookstore (chain, indie or otherwise) is determined by their people. Cindy at B&N is an amazing advocate and supporter of local authors and illustrators and an amazing hand-seller (she's a pro at putting the right book in the right hands). I have signed more copies of my books at her store than anywhere else - she keeps selling them all! She says there's no predicting which books children will connect with, but every time she pulls out Glitter Girl, the children edge in closer and their eyes light up - they definitely connect with Glitter Girl.
I swear, I teared up hearing that! As such, she forever has my loyalty and gratitude.

In fact, I'll be back next Spring to read my forthcoming picture book, Paco and the Giant Chile Plant ~ Paco y la planta de chile gigante! I'm sure it will be much fun, so if you're in the area, mark your calendar. Or better yet, plug your zip in to and find out which authors are touring in your area at any time!
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