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     Here's where you'll find my Coloring Page Tuesdays, contributions to Illustration Friday, Blog Book Tours (interviews with authors and illustrators), movie and book reviews, marketing and illustration tips under Method, Events and Big News (mine and the industry's), and general things I just find interesting. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Beach - relivin' the relaxation

     This is where I was last week. Ahhhh.
     So a few years back, hubbie introduced me to St. George Island. It's a perfect little strip of land just off Florida's Forgotten Coast - a bridge away from Apalachicola (home of wonderful oysters and the film Ule's Gold).
     It's a treasure of a place. And the restaurant where Peter Fonda hung out in the movie, The Grill, is real and serves some of the best fried oysters I've ever had. (And just don't even ask about the lemon meringue pie!!)

     We went into town to eat several times and wandered the streets of the small town which is just big enough and not too touristy/junky/crowded/anything. Perfect. Apalachicola saw its hayday in the early 1900's when they invented refrigeration, so there's a distinct and genuine Victorian feeling to the place.
     Two bridges back across the scenic bay (at sunset, the marshes turn to gold) and we were back on the beach. The beach on St. George is bordered by National Nature reserves on each end, so is a sea-turtle sanctuary. Blinds must be drawn at night to keep light off the beach. It seems to be working too as we passed several roped off sea-turtle nests during our morning walks. We also saw Ospreys, seagulls, sandpipers, and a type of bird which supposedly only lives on one of the small islands in the bay - gotta look that one up.
     Did I say Ahhhh?
     So, why is there a Wee Free Man in my post? Well, hubbie and I have a habit of listening to really well acted out audio books during long drives. Last beach trip it was The Hobbit, so we spent our vacation saying, "My Preciousss."
     This year it was The Wee Free Men written by Terry Pratchett, read by Stephen Briggs and it is laugh-out-loud-funny. The leader of the Wee Free Men, Rob Anybody, burned such a strong image in my head, I had to draw him . . . for fun . . . something I rarely get a chance to do these days.
     So, here is Rob Anybody, and all I can say is, "CRIVVENS! We're offski!"



Blogger Phyllis Harris said...

I'm in love with your Rob Anybody!!!! Great character! The island looks heavenly as well...

11:27 AM  
Blogger AWells said...

Hey from SCBWI! I've been following your blog and wanted to nominate you for a Brillant Webblog award- come to my site to accept it :)

11:11 PM  
Blogger Courtney said...

I'm soooo jealous. I'm going to check out the book and pretend that my couch is a porch swing overlooking a beautiful beach.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Vickie said...

It looks like a relaxing vacation spot. The Wee Free Man is very expressive. Your coloring pages are great fun and well done.

5:19 PM  
Blogger The Charm House said...

Seems we were on the Island at the same time!! Hope you had a great week on St. George. Our college kids work at Journeys Adventures on the Island and we were visiting with them when they didn't have trips to take out! It was a great week to be on the Forgotten Coast!

8:18 PM  

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All Artwork © Elizabeth O. Dulemba,  - Y'all play nice, okay?