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Welcome to DULEMBA.COM!
     Here's where you'll find my Coloring Page Tuesdays, contributions to Illustration Friday, Blog Book Tours (interviews with authors and illustrators), movie and book reviews, marketing and illustration tips under Method, Events and Big News (mine and the industry's), and general things I just find interesting. Enjoy!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wowsa - look at you guys GO!!!

Can you believe our stats here at dulemba.com!? We had over 6,000 hits on a recent Tuesday and we've been floating close to that number ever since! Many, much, big-o thanks to all my loyal followers!!
     It seems only a few months ago I was wondering when my stats would grow to over 2,000 hits a day. But I'm learning that stats don't move by slow increments - they exponentially jump. In other words, rather than struggling around 2,000, the stats quickly doubled and then tripled. Wow.
     Another fun thing to do is look up the ranking on ://urlfan - dulemba.com ranks #119,109 out of 3,783,534 websites! I'd say that's pretty darned good, yah?
     So THANK YOU for sharing my books and my coloring pages with your friends and family!!! Ho, ho, ho indeed!

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All Artwork © Elizabeth O. Dulemba,  - Y'all play nice, okay?