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Thursday, January 11, 2007

What kind of Reader are YOU?

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Literate Good Citizen
Fad Reader
Book Snob
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create Your Own Quiz

     Found this on Stacy Whitman's blog today - and it's a fun thing to do. I've often wondered if I read more than the average person. Well, probably, but how much is that compared to the grand scale of things? Go find out for yourself!
     Oh, and btw, Stacy got "Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm." She reads more than I do, but c'mon - she's an editor after all! :)



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