Happy Holidays!
Choo ~ choo ~ choo, Happy Holidays to You!

As my holiday gift to you and yours, please enjoy some holiday-themed selections from my Coloring Page Tuesdays, including a Menorah to help celebrate Chanukah and a coloring page for the New Year. You can find the entire collection at Coloring Page Tuesdays (or click the stocking). Have your budding artist send me their colored version (less than 1mb) to coloringpages@dulemba.com and I'll post it to my blog!
Look for a new coloring page next Tuesday as well - visit http://dulemba.com/blogger.html.
You've all been so supportive during this fun yet crazy career - it's meant the world to me. Please accept my warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday and a New Year filled with success, joy, and most of all - lots of love.
Thanks Y'all!
(p.s. - This Holiday card went out earlier today in my e's News. You can see the original at http://dulemba.com/Newsletters/e'sNews-12-18-08.html)

Look for a new coloring page next Tuesday as well - visit http://dulemba.com/blogger.html.
You've all been so supportive during this fun yet crazy career - it's meant the world to me. Please accept my warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday and a New Year filled with success, joy, and most of all - lots of love.
Thanks Y'all!
(p.s. - This Holiday card went out earlier today in my e's News. You can see the original at http://dulemba.com/Newsletters/e'sNews-12-18-08.html)
Labels: Coloring Page Tuesday, General
oooohhhh! a lot of presents! great work!
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