Operation Write Home

I was recently approached by a wonderful organization - Operation Write Home. They bring together card makers and soldiers in a special way.
Card makers create cards which are then shipped to the soldiers overseas. The soldiers can choose a card, personalize it and mail it to their loved ones. It gives card makers a wonderful venue to share their work (and a good reason to create more!), and soldiers a special way to connect with family.
So why did they get in touch with me? Turns out my coloring pages work just like "digi-stamps." Card makers and scrap bookers discovered them a while back and have been using them like crazy. I get lots of emails with pictures of their wonderful creations - it's so fun!
(It's also why some of my images are now available as stamps - because some card makers still prefer those.)

All this came about when Linda L., a card maker, discovered my site and forwarded my information to Operation Write Home. (Thank you Linda!) Yesterday, they featured my work on their blog inviting card makers to get creative with my images in "Tutorial: Digital Stamping" - yay!
I am thrilled to have my images used in this way - can you imagine all the warm fuzzies?
I do ask that creators mind my Angel Policy

Hi Elizabeth---thanks so much for the plug! I'll link back here on our Facebook page later on today too...a few more visitors will follow :)
Thanks Sandy!
How awesome is this! You're picking up major karma points, that's for sure.
What a lovely effort to be part of.
Warm fuzzies!
Thanks for sharing your artwork. This is great!
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