Coloring Page Tuesday - New Years Stork
Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and to view more coloring pages - click here!

2009 is coming to a close and 2010 is nigh. The air is ripe with possibilities!
Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!

A New Book Giveaway!
If you've been reading my blog you know our stats at have gone through the roof lately - thank you! In fact, we're close to 1,500 people signed up to receive Coloring Page Tuesday Alerts to their in-box every week (we're at 1,425). That's too awesome not to celebrate.
So, when the 1,500th person signs up for Coloring Page Tuesdays, I will do a drawing of all existing subscribers and one lucky person will win a signed copy of SOAP, SOAP, SOAP (bilingual or all-English - their choice)!
So let the sign-ups continue and tell your friends!

2009 is coming to a close and 2010 is nigh. The air is ripe with possibilities!
Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!

A New Book Giveaway!
If you've been reading my blog you know our stats at have gone through the roof lately - thank you! In fact, we're close to 1,500 people signed up to receive Coloring Page Tuesday Alerts to their in-box every week (we're at 1,425). That's too awesome not to celebrate.
So, when the 1,500th person signs up for Coloring Page Tuesdays, I will do a drawing of all existing subscribers and one lucky person will win a signed copy of SOAP, SOAP, SOAP (bilingual or all-English - their choice)!
So let the sign-ups continue and tell your friends!
Labels: Coloring Page Tuesday
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