SOAPy Wrap UP - Blog Tour final day

We wrap up the Blog Book Tour for SOAP, SOAP, SOAP today with another two-fer: first, at Donny Seagrave's Winterville Writer. Donny's new book, Gone From These Woods came out almost the exact same time as SOAP, so you may still remember the interview I did with her the other day. Well hike on over to her blog to read our last interview for SOAP.

AND I was a featured guest on THE MULTICULTURAL MINUTE - a one minute video look at multicultural books and happenings in children's literature! Along with being an awesome person, my hostess, Renee Ting of Shen's Books, was the author and publisher of my FIRST illustrated trade picture book, The Prince's Diary! And I LOVE this new feature she's created - so you gotta check it out!
Wowsa - it's been a GREAT Blog Book Tour and Celebratory launch for Soap, soap, soap and Soap, soap, soap ~ Jabón, jabón, jabón. I feel like my first book as both author and illustrator has been properly birthed and feted. I even had a surprise book signing last weekend during the SIBA Trade Show and had the longest book signing line I've ever had - ever! (Thank you Wanda!) Hope that means good things for SOAP's future!!

And of course I haven't forgotten about the GIVEAWAYS... the winner of the drawing from the comments left on the Kick-off Day for the Blog Book Tour is (drum roll please....) Kristi Valiant!! YAY, WAHOO, AND CONGRATULATIONS!! A signed copy of SOAP will be heading her way soon!
But Wait! There's still one more chance to win!
You can still enter the drawing for the SUPER PRIZE PACK. Go back through my blog and leave a comment on every day of the book tour here at (September 20 - October 2nd) and at least 8 of the blogs I visited (please leave a nice note for my gracious hosts), to have your name go into a drawing. The SUPER PRIZE PACK will include two signed copies of SOAP (one for you and one for a friend or your favorite

But you only have two more days! The deadline to leave comments is October 4th. The winner will be announced as soon as I can tally up the entries and pick a name. (I sure hope you didn't sign anonymously!)
Special note for book reviewers/buyers:
SOAP is available in an e-galley format (both the bilingual and all-English versions) if you would like a preview. Just email me at elizabeth at dulemba dot com and I'll send the details. Of course, my publisher will also be happy to send you hard-copy for your review. Just let me know and I'll make sure one heads your way.
Thanks again to my kind Blog Book Tour hosts and everybody for leaving such nice comments:
Janelle's Brimful Curiosities: Stephanie Ruble of sruble's world; Children's Authors and Illustrators on Facebook (hosted by Simon Rose); Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast; Tina Nichols Coury at Tales from the Rushmore Kid; Suzanne Lieurance's of Book Bytes for Kids; Wendy Martin Illustration; Kim Norman of - Stone Stoop; Debbi Ohi of Inkygirl!; Sarah C. Campbell; the Authors at Teaching Authors; Jessica Handler of Swimming in the Trees; Tarie Sabido of Into the Wardrobe; Donny Seagraves at Winterville Writer; and finally Renee Ting of Shen's Books and THE MULTICULTURAL MINUTE.
And thanks to YOU, my readers! It's always an exciting and scary time when you release a new book into the world - but y'all have embraced SOAP and it means the world to me - THANK YOU!!! And I hope you've enjoyed the party!!!
I want to end on a high note, so here is the ORIGINAL broadcast of Rubber Duckie from Sesame Street:
(The last spread from SOAP...)

Now back to your regularly scheduled blog....
Labels: BigNews, BlogBookTour, Events, SOAP
Thank YOU Elizabeth! It was great having you at SIBA. Write a new one and join us in Daytona in Sep. of 2010.
You betcha! And it's always a good thing to vamp out with "Rubber Ducky!"
I cant wait to see the whole book!
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